BREXIT Proof NWO Pull the Strings Deliberate TREASON by Goverment
For those who have this stupid silly crazy notion that the Governments still work for the Country and people who they are supposed to,ie the voters, this little video interview explains just how simple and the reality of the UK restoring its FREEDOM and becoming a major Manufacturing and prosperous nation once again, is as simple as is stated here. ONLY New World Order Puppets or braindead morons think that some kind of deal has to be made as the only BREXIT issue. ANY Mediocre businessman or even woman could wrap this thing up within 1 week. The EU is simply NWO Central plan for the ongoing total enslavement of the human race to be forced in a slavery position for ever and ever. WATCH and see just how easy it is and then ask why on earth are they even talking a Brexit deal when its a simple task. THEY are making it something Major when it is NOT. Listen and watch the man say it as it is, and THEN You will realize just how far gone the world is, and how much planning of Treason against the UK people has been done.
BREXIT Proof NWO Pull the Strings Deliberate TREASON by Goverment