MU Variant Scam Covid19 Columbia connections Hybrids exposed and more
Interesting now we see the expected "Mu" Covid19 Variant and as expected more severe than the old Delta, the jabbed need more jabs they have not a clue that indeed they are super breeders as we show how Columbia was vaxed and bred the new breed, shedding is the key part of there plans, the vaxed are super dangerous to sensible unjabbed people. The video shows news on this along with some more clues for those who still have this idea its all about money for the elites, it is not in our opinion the reason we have said many many years the long term alien earth enslavement plans is a reality if only people can think wider than what TV shows. So sit back and enjoy and get educated a little more.
MU Variant Scam Covid19 Columbia connections Hybrids exposed and more
Spot the clues Columbia among the very first to jab the fools and now is in a mess and a stronger variant appears? MANY people are vaxed and going down like flies, and many others are feeling crap just from being near the jabbed idiots. THis is certainly all as planned many many years, and not many are spotting it all.