Who Runs the World The Movie PART 6 Released BANNED WORLDWIDE Shock Content
Already placed among the "Who Runs the World" Webpage and in the full film article, this is Part 6 whereby we bring it up to date in 2022 covering Covid19 the obvious connections and the further proof as to Earth being deliberately culled by whom and why and more further confirmations, Banned on any Media and certaainly not for the weak, but as the video shows we are in WW3 and this war is THEM v Humans and time is very very short. Sit back and watch and learn more if already up to speed with Parts 1 to 5 or after watching ensure you watch the full facts and findings after 15 years researching, at this link .. "WHO RUNS THE WORLD The Movie" Direct Page Link
Who Runs the World The Movie PART 6 Released BANNED WORLDWIDE Shock Content