Updates PLANET X System Mystery Object CAPTURED Full report
In this report we look at a very interesting capture sent in from a regular sun skywatcher, he assures us the lenses were clean, and not had this capture on previous Sun checks. We go and delve deeper as we now expected to have some more visuals of the Mystery Burning Planet which we have been following for the last year, If our calculations are right then Earth would be in the position behind the Sun, as such many of these types would be expected.
many points spring to mind on the video´s as below captures, taken over the last few days, the capture on Lasco C3 blue monitor, see how its almost a straight up and down passing behind the Sun, and again using the Object which has been caught note just how big the object is, bearing in mind it is behind the Sun and further away in distance. IT IS BIGGER THAN EARTH .. See following Pictures and watch the video.
We thank both The Geologist and Julia for the Captures, which we feel worthy of showing as they pass our in house tests, which often sees most slung out, on these captures, the data confirms genuine dates and locations. And so we rate them of high interest.