Latest Planet X Second Sun Predictions of Roberto a few Charts and Diagrams
Something our regular old followers of Roberto in Italy will find of interest, here is his latest altered modified arrival timeline of The Second Sun Planet X, we have followed Roberto´s works for a few years and still keep an eye out for what he brings to the table, this is from his Italian workings and shows his latest thoughts on the timeline as well as showing the Pole Shifting Earth Tilt which he expects to follow. Take the information for what it is and that is Roberto´s opinions, NOT absolute gospel just his calculations for your own consideration.
Latest Planet X Second Sun Predictions of Roberto a few Charts and Diagrams
Something of interest for those who are still living in this dream that those we can not mention have not got control over all Religions have a sneak peek at this little in your face of Evil taking Control..
Latest Planet X Second Sun Predictions of Roberto a few Charts and Diagrams
Latest Planet X Second Sun Predictions of Roberto a few Charts and Diagrams
Latest Planet X Second Sun Predictions of Roberto a few Charts and Diagrams